Institutional Billing - UB-04
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UB-04 Billing Provider Info

Last update
February 16, 2024

Update your Billing Provider Information, including your Pay-to address, phone and fax number

Step 1. On the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’, then click the name of the Billing Provider you want to view or edit

This will navigate directly to Billing Settings - Required for that Billing Provider.

Step 2. To edit ‘Billing Provider Information’, click the ‘Billing Provider Information’ card

For help with Billing Provider Information see the Help Article: UB-04 Billing Provider Info.

Step 3. To edit Billing Provider Information click ‘Edit’

When a new Billing Provider is added, they are automatically marked as Active. To deactivate a Billing Provider and prevent it from displaying in your Billing Provider Menu, set Active to No.

You’re all set!

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