Bill Status
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Last update
November 13, 2023

Processed status indicates the claims administrator reviewed the Bill and issued a payment response. A Bill in Processed status is ready for review to determine if reimbursement is accurate and next steps.

Bills in Processed status have an electronic or paper Explanation of Review (EOR) posted to them.

  • Electronic  EORs are posted automatically upon receipt from claims administrators.  Regulations require that claims administrators that receive a bill electronically remit the return EOR electronically.
  • Paper EORs must be manually posted when no electronic EOR is returned, or when no electronic EOR is required to be returned (i.e. when the bill submission was not sent electronically).  

Associated Tasks

A bill in Processed status will have one or more of the following tasks assigned.  Click the link to learn more about the task and how to complete it.

Task: Payment Received

Task: Denial Received

Task: Payment Received - SBR

Task: Denial Received - SBR

Task: Payment Received - IBR

Task: Denial Received - IBR

Task: Deposit Payment

And there you have it!

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