The Manage Users Page lets Administrators view, update, and manage user roles across a daisyBill account.
The Manage Users Page lets you:
Manage Billing Provider Access
View Two-Factor Authentication
On the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’, then select ‘Manage Users’
A. To add a new user, click ‘Invite User’
Provide the new user’s email, select their Role and Billing Provider Access, then click Invite. The new user will receive an email invitation to join your daisyBill account.
B. To edit a Role, click the ‘Pencil’ icon, select the role, then click ‘Save Changes’
A user’s Role in daisyBill determines their permissions. Roles from greatest to least permission are:
- Administrator - Unrestricted access. The only level of access that can add users, view DaisyBill invoices and update payment information.
- Reporter - Access limited to reporting and the creation of patients, injuries and bills. Ability to submit and post to bills. CA Only: ability to create and submit RFAs.
- Biller - Access limited to the creation of patients, injuries and bills. Ability to submit and post to bills. CA Only: ability to create and submit RFAs.
- Auth - Access restricted to the creation of patients and injuries. CA Only: ability to create and submit RFAs.
C. To edit Billing Provider Access, click the ‘Edit’ icon, select access, then click ‘Save Changes’
Accounts with a single Billing Provider will not see this option.
D. To view a user’s Two-Factor Authentication status, refer to the Two-Factor Status column
Two-Factor Authentication is activated on the User level. To have a User set up Two-Factor Authentication, refer to the Help Article: Edit User Settings.
E. To revoke user access, toggle the ‘Active’ button
The user’s daisyBill access is terminated immediately. Users can later be unlocked to restore their access. Unlock a User by toggling the Active switch. Tasks assigned to the user will remain assigned to the user unless reassigned to another user. For more information, see this Help Article: Manage Users - Locked Users.
F. To review the history of changes made to a user, click the icon under ‘History’
G. To view locked users, scroll to ‘Inactive Users’ section of the Manage Users page
H. To view / manage invited users, scroll down to the bottom of the Manage Users page
Click the Circle Arrow icon to resend the invitation. Invitations expire after 7 days.
Click the Trashcan icon to delete the invitation.
For more information, see this Help Article: Manage Users - Invited Users.
This should make daisyBilling even more productive for your team!