Billing Provider Settings
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Practice Locations

Last update
February 14, 2024

Store Practice Location information to be used with your RFAs. This information populates the Requesting Physician Information section of the DWC RFA Form.

Step 1. On the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’, then click the name of the Billing Provider

This will navigate directly to the specified Billing Provider.

Step 2. Click the ‘RFA Settings’ tab

Step 4. Click the ‘Practice Locations’ card

Step 5. To edit a ‘Practice Location’, click its name and then click the ‘Edit’ button

When adding a new Practice Location it is automatically marked as Active. To deactivate a Practice Location and prevent it from being selected on new RFAs, click ‘No’.

Step 6. To add a ‘Practice Location’, click ‘Add Practice Location’

Step 7. Enter the information for the ‘Practice Location’, then click ‘Add’

Create Nicknames that will be easy for staff to easily identify when viewed in a list. The Nickname field does not populate on RFAs.

The corresponding field of the DWC RFA Form where this information appears will be highlighted as you enter the information.


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