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Manage Users - Lock User

Last update
April 22, 2024

Use the lock feature to terminate access for users who should no longer have daisyBill access.

Step 1. On the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’, followed by ‘Manage Users’

Only Administrators can access this feature.

Step 2. To lock a user, toggle the ‘Active’ button

Locked users can’t access daisyBill.  A user who is logged in when locked will be immediately logged out and will not be able to log in again unless unlocked.

If the user being locked has Incomplete Tasks or Task Preferences assigned to them, you will be notified and a summary of Incomplete Tasks and current impacted Task Preferences will be displayed. For more information on updating Tasks and Task Preference see the Help Articles:

Batch Update Tasks

Bill Task Preferences

RFA Task Preferences

Step 4. Click ‘Lock’ to confirm the locking of the user

Step 5. To unlock a user, toggle the ‘Active’ button

Unlocking a user immediately restores their daisyBill access.

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