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Settings Explained

Last update
June 4, 2024

The Settings menu in the Navigation Bar allows you to manage your users, view details about your daisyBill subscription, and more. Read on for more information on what can be accomplished from the Settings menu.

Manage Users

daisyBill Subscription

Invoice History

View All Billing Providers

Add New Billing Provider

A. Manage Users

The Manage Users Page lets Administrators view, update, and manage user roles across a daisyBill account.

Help Article: Manage Users Explained

B. daisyBill Subscription

Help Article: daisyBill Subscription

C. Invoice History

Make payments, view historical invoices, and review details on how your subscription is charged.

Help Article: Invoice History

D. View All Billing Providers

To view all Billing Providers in your account, click ‘View All Billing Providers’.

Help Article: Manage Billing Providers

E. Add New Billing Provider

To add a new Billing Provider, click ‘Add New Billing Provider’.

Help Article: Add Billing Provider

That’s all, folks!

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