Get a new phone number? Want daisyBill to call you by a nickname?
Use the Edit Your Settings feature to update your name, email address (also your daisyBill login), telephone number, or password.
C. Toggle Two-Factor Authentication
E. View Organization Administrators
On the navigation bar, click your ‘User’ icon, then select ‘Edit Your Settings’
A. Edit User Information
Click the ‘Pencil’ icon to edit User Information, such as your First Name, Last Name, Phone, and Email Notification preferences. Click Save Changes.
To edit your email address, click the pencil icon next to your existing email. Your current DaisyBill password must be entered when changing your Email. When finished, click Save.
You will be prompted to enter in your password and the new email address you’d like to use.
When you update your email address, you will need to go to the inbox of the newly designated email address and look for the confirmation email. The subject heading will be Your daisyBill Email Changed.
Note: In order to complete the update, you will need to click the pink Confirm Email button inside the email.
B. Change Password
Click ‘Change Password’ to update your daisyBill password
C. Toggle Two-Factor Authentication
daisyBill recommends using Two-Factor Authentication to keep your account extra secure. Click ‘Enable’ to toggle on Two-Factor Authentication.
D. Manage Email Notifications
Choose which emails you’d like to receive.
Note: Integration email options are reserved for account Administrators.
E. View Organization Administrators
Users on your account that are designated as Administrators will appear here. Ask your Administrator for assistance with updating account settings.
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