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Report Builder

Last update
May 22, 2024

Use daisyBill’s report builder to make custom reports to see the information that is important to you.

Here’s how it’s done.

Step 1. On the navigation bar, click ‘Reporting’

Only users with the Role of Reporter or Administrator have this button.

Step 2. Click ‘Report Builder’

Step 3. To build a new report, click the desired report type

Each report type provides different Columns, Values, and Filters for customization.  


  • Bills - Provides detailed Bill information and sums total payments by Bill.  
  • Does not include deposit date, posted date or payment reference number as multiple postings can be applied to a single bill.
  • A single Bill is counted once in this report, regardless of the number of submissions or payments posted.  
  • If no Values are added, each row of data in this report represents one bill.
  • Service Line Items - Provides detailed Service Line Item information and sums total payments by Service Line Item.  
  • Does not include Deposit Date, Posted Date or Payment Reference Number as multiple postings can be applied to a single Service Line Item.
  • A single Service Line Item (Procedure Code) from a single Bill is counted once on this report regardless of the number of submissions or payments posted.  
  • If no Values are added, each row of data in this report represents one Service Line Item from one Bill.


  • Bill Submissions - Provides detailed submission information including payments by submission and total payments.
  • Does not include deposit date, posted date or payment reference number as multiple postings can be applied to a single Bill submission.
  • Each submission of a bill is counted once on this report.
  • If no Values are added, each row of data on this report represents one Bill submission.
  • Service Line Item Submissions - Provides detailed Service Line Item information by submission.
  • Does not include deposit date, posted date or payment reference number as multiple postings can be applied to a single Service Line Item submission.
  • Each submission of a Service Line Item is counted once on this report.
  • If no Values are added, each row of data on this report represents one Service Line Item submission.


  • Bill Submission Payments - Provides detailed posting and payment information by Bill including Deposit Date, Posted date and Payment Reference Number.    
  • A Bill can appear multiple times on this report if multiple postings have been applied.  
  • Each Payment posted to a bill is counted once in this report.

  • Service Line Item Submission Payments - Provides detailed posting and payment information by Service Line Item including Deposit Date, Posted date and Payment Reference Number.  
  • A Service Line Item can appear multiple times on this report if multiple postings have been applied.
  • Each Payment posted to a Service line item is counted once in this report.

  • Payment Information - Provides detailed Payment information including Deposit Date, Posted Date and Payment Reference Number.

Step 4. Select ‘Columns’

Columns provide the Report’s data elements. Repeat step to select additional Columns.  Columns display in the order selected. To reorder Columns, drag and drop.  

Step 5. Optional: click ‘Values’, and select one or more values

Values provide sums and totals. Repeat step to add additional Values. Values display in the order selected. To reorder Values, drag and drop.  To include Count, check Bill Count box.

Step 6. Optional: click ‘Filters’, and select one or more filters

Use Filters to limit Report results to results that match the filter.  Repeat step to add additional Filters.  

  • Filters with dropdown selections (e.g. Claims Administrator) - make one or more selections from dropdown  
  • Filters with free text fields (e.g. Procedure Code) - type all or part of filter into text field  
  • Filters with date fields - click date to update date range

Step 7. Click ‘Run Report’

Step 8. To download to CSV, click ‘Download CSV’

Download CSV downloads report in a spreadsheet compatible format for saving or further viewing. For reports over 1000 lines, Download CSV is required to view the complete report.


Step 9. To save the Report settings, click ‘Save’, name the Report, then click ‘Save’

Once saved, Report will appear under Saved Reports on Report Builder page.

Step 10. To edit Columns, Values or Filters, click ‘Edit’, make changes, then click ‘Run Report’

That’ll come in handy!

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