daisyBill offers three ways of entering your DOL Provider Number.
1. Single DOL Provider Number for Tax ID
2. Multiple DOL Providers for Tax ID by Rendering Provider
3. Multiple DOL Provider Numbers for Tax ID by Place of Service
Step 1. To enter a single DOL Provider Number for a Billing Provider, click ‘Settings’ on the navigation bar, then click the name of the Billing Provider
This will navigate directly to the specified Billing Provider.
Step 2. Click the ‘Billing Provider Info’ card
Step 3. Click ‘Edit’
Step 4. Enter the DOL Provider Number
If your Billing Provider has multiple DOL Provider Numbers by Place of Service or Rendering Provider chat the Help Center to have your Billing Provider settings updated. For more information about the Help Center see Help Article: Help Center Explained.
Step 5. Click ‘Save Changes’
That’s it!
Step 6. For Multiple DOL Provider Numbers by Rendering Provider, use the Chat Functionality in the Help Center to request your Billing Provider settings be updated
Once a daisyBill team member confirms your settings have been updated, continue on to Step 14. For more information about the Help Center see Help Article: Help Center Explained.
Step 7. On the navigation bar, click ‘Billing Providers’, then click the name of the Billing Provider
This will navigate directly to the specified Billing Provider.
Step 8. Click the ‘Rendering Providers’ card
Step 9. Click on the Rendering Provider you wish to add the DOL Provider Number to
Step 10 Click ‘Edit’.
Step 11. Scroll down and enter the DOL Provider number
Step 12. Click ‘Save Changes’
Step 13. For Multiple DOL Provider Numbers by Place of Service, use the Chat Functionality in the Help Center to request your Billing Provider settings be updated
Once a daisyBill team member confirms your settings have been updated, continue on to Step 8. For more information about the Help Center see Help Article: Help Center Explained.
Step 14. On the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’, then click the ‘Gear’ icon
This will navigate directly to the specified Billing Provider.
Step 15. Click the ‘Places of Service’ card
Step 16. Select the Place of Service you wish to edit, then click ‘Edit’
Step 17. Enter the DOL Provider Number

Step 18. Click ‘Save Changes’
You’re all set!