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Service Line Item

Last update
July 29, 2024

The Service Line Item Export lets you study detailed Service Line Item (Procedure Code) information outside daisyBill.  

Step 1. On the navigation bar, click ‘Reporting & Analytics’

Only users with the Role of Reporter or Administrator have this button.

Step 2. Click ‘Exports’

Step 3. Click ‘Service Line ltem’ card

Step 4. Optional: Select one or more ‘Billing Providers’

The report defaults to all Billing Providers.

Step 5. Select ‘Date Filter Type’

Date Bill Created includes Bills created in daisyBill during the selected Date Range.

Date of Service includes Bills with Dates of Service during the selected Date Range.

Step 6. Select ‘Date Range’

Clicking the date field displays prefiltered date options and a calendar.

There are two ways to select dates:

  1. Click one of the suggested dates or date ranges from the left sidebar in the calendar
  2. Click Custom Range and type in the desired date or date range for the export and click Apply

Step 7. Click ‘Download Export’

The Export downloads immediately to your computer.

Step 8. To view columns included in the Export, click ‘View Export Columns’

Step 9. To view Export History, click ‘Export History’

We hope that helps!

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