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RFA Task Preferences

Last update
February 15, 2024

By default, daisyBill assigns RFA tasks to the staff member who created the RFA, i.e., the RFA Creator. But if that’s not efficient for you, Administrators can use RFA Task Preferences to change the default assignment preferences.

This lets you delegate task types to a specific staff member.

Step 1. On the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’, then click the name of the Billing Provider

This will navigate directly to the specified Billing Provider.

Step 2. Click the ‘RFA Settings’ tab

Step 4. Click the ‘RFA Task Preferences’ card

Step 5. To edit a ‘Task Assignment,’ click ‘Edit’

Tasks are organized based on their associated RFA Status. For more information about RFA Status, see this Help Topic.

Step 6. Choose an ‘Assignment’ preference for each ‘Task’

The default assignment for all tasks is RFA Creator.

  1. RFA Creator - assigns all future Tasks of that type to the user who created the RFA
  2. User - assigns all future Tasks of that type to a specific user

For each assignment, you can select the Add Exception feature to filter based on other elements of the RFA. When an exception is added, the Task will be assigned to the RFA Creator or User user EXCEPT for RFAs with the parameters you selected.

  1. By Claims Administrator - assigns all future Tasks of that type to the RFA Creator or User based on the RFA’s Claims Administrator
  2. By Rendering Provider - assigns all future Tasks of that type to the RFA Creator or User based on the RFA’s Rendering Provider
  3. By Place of Service - assigns all future Tasks of that type to the RFA Creator or User based on the RFA’s Place of Service

Note: Credit for task completion is given to the user who completed the task, regardless of the assigned user.

Step 7. To delete an exception, click ‘Remove’

Delegation done!

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