Billing Provider Settings
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Add Billing Provider

Last update
August 7, 2023

daisyBill makes it easy to view and add a Billing Provider.

Step 1. On the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’ then select ‘Add Billing Provider’ 

The Manage All Billing Providers feature is limited to users with the Role of Administrator.

For Accounts that do not have this option, please chat the daisyBill Help Center and request your account settings be updated to allow for Multiple Billing Providers.

Step 2. Select ‘Default Injury State’

The Default Injury State field sets a default state for all Injuries under the Billing Provider. The state dictates the required elements of the Injury and Bill and, how the billing form will be populated.  We suggest setting your Default Injury State to be the state in which most of your patient’s injuries occur.

Individual injuries can be changed to a different state on the Injury Page. For more information, see the Help Articles: Add Injury and Edit / View Injury.

Step 3. Select ‘Bill Type’

Professional services are billed on a CMS 1500 Form.

Pharmacy services are typically billed on a NCPDP Form.

Institutional services are typically billed on a UB04 Form.

Depending on the form selected, daisyBill requires different Billing Provider information.

Note: Once a bill has been created the Bill Type (Professional, Pharmacy, Institutional) for a Billing Provider cannot be changed.

Step 4. Enter the ‘Billing Provider’ information

As you click through and complete the fields, the corresponding field on the billing form at the bottom of the page will highlight.

Unless labeled as optional, all fields are required. Information entered can be updated and edited at any time once a Billing Provider is created.


Optional: If your practice is registered with the U.S. Department of Labor enter your DOL Provider Number in the designated field.

The Physical Address entered in this field is used for billing the Department of Labor, which requires a physical address that is NOT a PO Box.

Upload a current year W-9 in .pdf format. Ensure that the pay-to address and Tax ID on the W-9 matches the information entered above.

Allow Billing Provider Access to all Users or limit access to specific Users.

You can always edit Billing Provider Access from the Manage Users feature. For more information see Help Article: Manage Users Explained.

Optional: Fax Number entered in this field will populate the daisyBill Cover Sheet, which is transmitted with each Bill Submission and RFA

Step 5. Click ‘Add’

Each new Billing Provider is verified by the daisyBill within 2-3 days.  When the Billing Provider is approved by daisyBill, the requesting user will be notified via chat.

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