Bill Tasks
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Task: Clearinghouse Rejected Bill

Last update
May 29, 2024

When a claims administrator’s clearinghouse rejects an e-bill, the clearinghouse does not send the e-bill to the claims administrator for payment. Instead, the clearinghouse returns the e-bill for you to correct erroneous patient or injury information.

For more information on the Rejected Bill Status, see the Help Article: Rejected.

Watch the Video below to learn how daisyBill’s new billing functionality helps you better manage your 277 e-bill rejections.

Step 1. Click the ‘Contact Claims Administrator’ button

Step 2. Review the 277 Reject Acknowledgement

daisyBill displays the reason the Claims Administrator’s clearinghouse rejected your e-bill.

Step 3. Call the Claims Administrator to determine the correct information

daisyBill lists all the relevant Claims Administrator telephone details for you to place your call.

Step 4. Verify Patient / Injury Information with Claims Administrator representative

daisyBill lists the Patient and Injury information sent on the rejected e-bill. Verify these pieces of information:

  • Patient First Name
  • Patient Last Name
  • Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Employer
  • Injury Date
  • Claim Number
  • Claims Administrator

Step 5a: If Patient / Injury Information is correct, select ‘Yes’

If all the information sent with the rejected e-bill is correct, select ‘Yes’ for each.

If the claims administrator representative reports that all Patient and Injury Information is correct, the claims administrator’s clearinghouse erroneously rejected your e-bill.

daisyBill is then automatically alerted that the clearinghouse erroneously rejected an e-bill that contained correct Patient and Injury information.

For erroneously rejected e-bills, daisyBill places a ‘daisyBill Researching’ alert on the bill. daisyBill contacts the Claims Administrator’s clearinghouse to investigate the reason the clearinghouse rejected the e-bill with correct Patient and Injury Information.


Once the clearinghouse reports to daisyBill that it has resolved its rejection error, daisyBill resubmits the e-bill on your behalf, free of charge.

Step 5b: If Patient / Injury Information is incorrect, select ‘No’

If any of the information is incorrect, select ‘No’ Enter the correct information provided by the Claims Administrator representative in the applicable field(s)

Step 6. Enter the Claims Administrator Representative details, then click ‘Save’

Provide contact information for the claims administrator representative who verified the correct Patient and Injury Information.

Once you click Save, daisyBill automatically updates your e-bill with the new, correct information.

daisyBill’s technology updates the bill with the correct Patient / Injury Information obtained from the Claims Administrator representative.

Step 8: Click the ‘Send’ button

After daisyBill updates the bill with the correct Patient / Injury Information, to receive payment for this rejected e-bill, send a new e-bill with the correct information.

Step 8a. Choose whether to submit a single bill or a batch of bills

If you’d only like to resubmit the one single Rejected bill, click ‘Send Bill’.

If you’d like to resubmit a batch of Rejected bills for the same patient, click ‘Send Batch Bills

See? daisyBill technology helps you better manage your 277 e-bill rejections!

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