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Unmatched Payments

Last update
July 30, 2024

Unmatched Payments can throw off Reporting. Use the Unmatched Payments report to ensure you don’t have any sneaky Unmatched Payments causing confusion in your Reporting.

For instructions on how to match up unmatched payments, refer to this Help Article: Unmatched Posted Payments

Step 1. On the Navigation Bar, click ‘Reporting & Analytics’

Only users with the Role of Reporter or Administrator have this button.

Step 2. Click ‘View All Reports’

Step 3. Click the ‘Unmatched Payments’ card

Step 4. Optional: add a Filter for Billing Provider

Step 5. Click ‘Run Report’

Step 6. Click ‘Bill ID’ to navigate to a Bill 

Clicking on a Bill ID will open it in a new tab in your web browser.

Step 7. To download report click ‘Download’

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