Pharmacy Billing - NCPDP
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NCPDP Add Bill Compound Product

Last update
February 27, 2024

Need to add a new pharmacy bill for a compound product? You’ve come to the right place.

Step 1. From the Injury Page, click ‘Add Bill’

You can either click ‘Add Bill’ from the breadcrumb or from the right side of the injury page.

Step 2. Optional if using a template: select Template, click ‘Apply’ and skip to Step 6

This option automatically displays if Billing Templates have been created in Custom Settings.

Step 3. Select ‘Compound’ Product Type

Step 4. Enter required prescription fields

Date of Service populates on the NCPDP form in field 66

Prescription Date populates on the NCPDP form in field 65

Place of Service populates on the NCPDP form in fields 32-39

Prescribing Provider populates on the NCPDP form in fields 40-48

Fill Number populates on the NCPDP form in field 64

Prescription Number populates on the NCPDP form in field 62

Authorization Number if entered, populates on the NCPDP form in field 74

Step 5. If not using a template, enter required billing fields

Compound Name populates on the NCPDP form in field 76

Days Supply populates on the NCPDP form in field 72

Dosage Form populates on the NCPDP form in field 90

Route of Administration populates on the NCPDP form in field 92

Dispense as Written Code (DAW) populates on the NCPDP form in field 73

Unit of Measurement populates on the NCPDP form in field 78 and 91

NDC Number populates on the NCPDP form in field 95

Units populates on the NCPDP form in field 97

 Enter NDC Numbers in 11-digit format without dashes.

Step 6. Click ‘Create Bill’

And that’s it – let the beautiful billing begin!

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