Bill Tasks
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Task: Bill Error

Last update
April 17, 2024

If any of the required bill fields contains an error, daisyBill assigns the designated user a Bill Error task. A Bill with a Bill Error task is in Incomplete status and cannot be submitted until the task is resolved.

When a bill requires additional work, daisyBill alerts you by assigning specific tasks. This keeps bills moving.

Working through tasks every day helps you stay on top of billing -- and makes your life easier. Each type of task has its own set of recommended actions.

To prevent denials due to errors, after clicking Create Bill, DaisyBill scrubs the bill for errors, including:

  • Patient demographics
  • Injury information
  • Billed charges for date of service

To complete a Bill Error task, go to the Bill, review the error message and click Edit to make corrections.

Step 1. Review the errors, then click ‘Edit’

Remember, bill errors relate to one or more required fields associated with date of service charges.  

Step 2. Make the corrections, then click ‘Save Changes’

Step 3.  Check for additional errors

Prior to submitting the bill, correct all errors. A red circle with an ‘X’ indicates the following:

  • Next to the Patient name - a demographic error
  • Next to the Injury description - an error in the injury information
  • Next to the Bill - an error regarding date of service, charges, rendering provider, or place of service

A green circle with a check mark indicates all components are correct. Note that an unsubmitted bill will show a purple icon indicating that the bill has not been submitted yet. After submission, the purple icon will turn into a green check.


Note that Bill Error tasks, like other tasks, appear in Bill History.

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