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Manage Users - Invited Users

Last update
September 25, 2023

Invited Users displays a list of users invited to join your daisyBill team.

Step 1. On the navigation bar, click ‘Settings’ , then select ‘Manage Users’

Only Administrators can access this feature.

Step 2. To view Invited Users, scroll down to the bottom of the ‘Account Users’ page

Here are the pending invitations to your daisyBill team.

Step 3. Optional: to Resend an invitation, click the ‘Circle Arrow’ icon

Invitations expire seven days after they are sent.  Resend an invitation to send a new invitation link good for an additional seven days.

Step 4. Optional: To delete a pending invitation, click the ‘Trashcan’ icon

Deleting an invitation will invalidate the invitation link.

Talk to your team and remind them to accept their daisyBill invitations -- they’re missing out on beautiful billing!

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