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Batch Update Tasks

Last update
July 8, 2024

Have a lot of Tasks? Administrators can use Batch Update Tasks to edit multiple tasks with a single click.

Batch Update Tasks lets you change Task Due Dates and / or Assigned Users.

Step 1. On the navigation bar, click ‘Tasks’

Step 2. Select ‘Account Tasks’

Navigate to ‘Account Tasks’ to view tasks for your entire account.

Step 3. Use ‘Filter Column(s) and/or Task Due Dates’ to filter tasks to edit

Filter tasks so only tasks to be updated are displayed. For more specific filtering, apply multiple Filter Columns.

Step 4. Optional: To change ‘Assigned User’, click ‘Batch Update Tasks’, select a new User, then click ‘Update’

  • Tasks assigned to a new Assigned User maintain the original Due Date.  
  • Tasks assigned a new Due Date maintain original Assigned User.  
  • Complete both fields to change both the Assigned User and the Due Date.

Step 5. Optional: To change the ‘Due Date’, click ‘Batch Update Tasks’, enter the ‘Due Date’, then click ‘Update’

  • Tasks assigned to a new Assigned User maintain the original Due Date.  
  • Tasks assigned a new Due Date maintain original Assigned User.  
  • Complete both fields to change both the Assigned User and the Due Date.

Step 6. To confirm the update, click ‘Update’ again

You just got a lot more efficient!

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