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'By Report' (BR) Procedure Codes

Last update
February 2, 2024

daisyBill automatically calculates the Charge and Expected Payment amounts based on the reimbursement amounts assigned by the designated fee schedule for the DOS.

If the reimbursement amount for a procedure code is By Report (BR), daisyBill’s scrub prevents Bill submission until a reimbursement amount is entered.  For more information about what By Report codes are, see the Help Article: BR - Reimbursement for Procedure Codes Designated as 'By Report' Explained.

Follow these instructions to enter the reimbursement amount for By Report procedure codes.  Bill BR codes frequently at the same rate?  Create a Custom Charge to bypass this step.  See Help Article: Custom Charges.

Step 1. Enter the Bill, then click ‘Create Bill’

Step 2. Review the error message, then click ‘Edit’

Step 3. For the ‘Procedure Code’ noted in the error message, enter the appropriate ‘Charge Per Unit.’ Click ‘Save Changes’

Step 4. Preview the ‘Charge’ and ‘Expected Fee Schedule’ amounts

saisyBill calculates the Charge amount and the Expected Fee Schedule amounts for the procedure code based on the number of units entered and the amount entered in the Charge Per Unit field in step 3.

‘By Report’ codes are identified after bill creation by the gray ‘BR’ badge to the right of the Expected Fee Schedule.

Now back to beautiful billing!

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